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China Focus:"China's gift to the world": Envoys discuss exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations at Dunhuang

2024-06-13 15:11:53 Source: Xinhua
"This is a land of history and artifacts, "said Babagana Wakil, chargéd'affaires ad interim of Nigeria's Embassy in China, as he was about to complete a trip to northwest China's Dunhuang, a major stop on the ancient Silk Road.
Adding that he took note of exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations at Dunhuang, Wakil said that China has been in contact with the world for thousands of years and the ancient Silk Road is very important. "We have also joined the Belt and Road Initiative. This is a wonderful thing for Nigeria, and we will look forward to more cooperation. "
Wakil was among diplomats and senior officials from 22 countries who paid a visit to Dunhuang from Thursday to Saturday. They explored the Mogao Grottoes, watched camel caravans at the Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot, and attended a cultural and tourism promotion event for the five cities along the Hexi Corridor. During a dialogue session, they discussed how the"Silk Road spirit"promotes exchanges and mutual learning.
Hyecho, a Korean Buddhist monk from Silla, traveled to India in the 8th century. His account of the journey had been long lost but surprisingly reappeared in the Library Cave of the Mogao Grottoes. A Tang Dynasty(618-907)document records the sugar-making techniques from India, and the account books of the local Dunhuang government during the Five Dynasties(907-960)note goods from Persia and India. An image of the sun deity in Mogao Grottoes features elements of ancient Greco-Roman art. . . The Mogao Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage site quietly nestled in the Gobi Desert, illuminate the blend of civilizations over a millennium.
"This demonstrates the international exchanges of the time and also serves as a mirror reflecting ourselves. We can discover historical aspects that we were unaware of, "said Jun Sang Dug, a counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea(ROK)in China.
Western merchants with high noses and deep eye sockets…Seeing the murals depicting exchanges between them and their oriental counterparts, Nepal's Ambassador to China, Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, said, "From ancient times to the present, China has always maintained an open and inclusive attitude toward the world. "
"We have particular identities, Chinese, Spanish, or whatever, and a common identity that is a civilization with the capital C, the civilization that is common to all human beings, "said Gerardo Bugallo Ottone, counselor of the Embassy of Spain in China.
"It changed completely the life of people when you really have exchanges. "Ottone cited an example that the most typical element of the dressing of a woman in Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a Chinese style shoulder.
Luamanuvae A. Mariner, Samoan ambassador to China, said: "To be honest, I've read, and I've heard about it, but what you see is very different from what you hear. I really appreciate China's effort to preserve such amazing culture and history. "
Mariner added that Dunhuang shows a very unique Chinese culture and fusion of cultures on the Silk Road. "This is China's gift to the world. "
"This is Jordan. "After viewing exhibitions on the spread of ancient metallurgy technology and exchanges of crop species at Dunhuang, Jordanian Ambassador to China, Hussam Al Husseini, stood for a while in front of a map of the Eurasian continent.
"Exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations is what the humankind story is all about. No single civilization would have lived alone. "Husseini added the beauty of what they saw in the Mogao Grottoes was how much the great old Chinese civilization was open to other civilizations.
Sinisa Berjan, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to China, told Xinhua: "As an important corridor of the Silk Road, Dunhuang bears too many traces of history. Each monument is like an open history book, allowing us to experience the charm of ancient civilization up close. I believe that anyone who loves history, culture, and nature will be deeply attracted to Dunhuang. "
On the ancient Silk Road, there was a grand spectacle of envoys meeting on the road and continuous caravans of merchants. Today, Dunhuang continues to make strides in international exchanges.
The Silk Road(Dunhuang)International Cultural Expo has hosted nearly 10, 000 guests from over 100 countries, regions, and international organizations. The documentary"Dialogue between Mogao and Angkor"has facilitated a dialogue of civilizations across time and space. The"Global Linking of Dunhuang Culture"online lecture series has connected with Germany, Russia, Japan, Nepal, and 13 other countries, accumulating over 5 million views.
"China has done a lot of development in the past and it is rejuvenating now in a new way, "Shrestha said.
"There is a growing interest in the convergence of civilizations, drawn from its deep-rooted history and Chinese wisdom. "Sara Alsada, minister of Qatar's Embassy in China, said along the Silk Road, a collection of cultural civilizations emerged, influencing and being influenced by this blend.
"It was my first opportunity to closely explore this rich heritage represented by the remnants of the Silk Road, which motivated and encouraged me to visit other cities along the route, to bring the fragrance of history to modern eras, and to continue fostering cultural and civilizational exchange among nations and peoples, "she said.
Editor:Li Lulu