Cultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces

2024-09-02 11:18:00 Source:Global People Online
Cultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces
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The Cultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces was inscribed as a World Cultural Heritage site in 2013.
Located in southern Yunnan Province, the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces Cultural Landscape covers an area of 16, 603ha.This property includes a representative concentration of terraced rice fields, along with the associated forested catchments, irrigation systems, and ethnic villages.With a history spanning over 1, 300 years, these rice terraces were developed by the Hani people and other ethnic groups, sometimes referred to as the"sculpture on the land."
The landscape reflects an integrated four-fold system of forests, water supply, terraces, and houses, which holds exceptional value.This intricate and interdependent system perfectly reflects a sophisticated agricultural, forestry, and water distribution mechanism, which has been reinforced by a unique socio-economic and religious framework developed over centuries.It showcases a significant model of human-environment interaction.

Editor:Cai Xiaohui

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