West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou

2024-09-06 09:06:00 Source:Global People Online

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The West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou was inscribed as a World Cultural Heritage site in 2011.
Located in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the property covers a total area of approximately 43. 3 square kilometers. It consists of six main elements:the natural landscape of West Lake, the urban-lake spatial characteristic of"hills on three sides and the city on the fourth, "the landscape pattern of"two causeways and three islands, "the ten poetically named scenic spots, historical and cultural sites, and the distinctive plants. These elements were developed through multiple dredging projects between the 9th and 12th centuries.
The West Lake Cultural Landscape exemplifies the harmonious integration of humans and nature, evoking emotions of appreciation for its beauty. It serves as an outstanding model of cultural landscapes, vividly showcasing the aesthetic ideals of Chinese landscapes and exerting a profound influence on garden design in China and beyond.

Editor:Cai Xiaohui

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