Chengjiang Fossil Site

2024-08-28 11:51:09 Source:Global People Online
Chengjiang Fossil Site
Chengjiang Fossil Site
Chengjiang Fossil Site
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Chengjiang Fossil Site was inscribed as a World Natural Heritage Site in 2012.
Located on Mount Maotianshan in Yuxi,Yunnan Province,the site was discovered by paleontologist HOU Xianguang in 1984 and dates back approximately 530 million years.The site is home to a large number of vivid and peculiar fossils,including many exquisitely preserved soft-bodied fossils.To date,around 200 rare fossils have been discovered at the site,making it one of the most complete collections of early Cambrian fossils,sometimes referred to as"one of the most astonishing discoveries of the 20th century."
Chengjiang Fossil Site provides a glimpse into the true appearance of early Cambrian marine life,offering extremely valuable evidence for understanding the evolution of life on Earth during its early stages.Additionally,it fills a gap in China's natural heritage of paleontological fossils.

Editor:Cai Xiaohui

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